Sunday, March 08, 2009

Google Analytics; BLOGS Best Friend

 Google Analytics is a way for Website and Blog owners to view and Analyze how many visitors arrive daily, along with their search terms, paths taken while on your Blog, and even how often visitors return to your Blog and the amount of time spent there.

Google Analytics will show you where visitors are entering and exiting your site, where they visited while on your site, and bounce rates. Bounce rates are how fast visitors leave your site. You may have a page with a bounce rate of 100% which means your visitor arrives and leaves your site on that page.  This is a great starting point to change the content of this specific Blog post to keep a reader there longer or give them a next step to take while on your Blog.

This is the key to effective site or Blog Management.  You can get insights as to what visitors do when they enter and exit your Blog.  Always adjusting to changing content and user engagement is the key to a successful Blog.  Think of it like this, lets say you get 100 page visits per day and each visitor visits an average of 2 pages while on your Blog.  This would be approximately 73,000 page views per year.  Now, if you can manage your content and traffic flow and get this number up to an average of 4 page views per visit, this number goes to 146,000 page views.  Which way do you think advertisers would be willing to pay you more money?  I have even changed some of my Links and Linking Strategies around Google Analytics to provide the reader with more information and keep them coming back.

Google Analytics is a free service and is a must for any Blog or Website owner.  This is one of those tools that is invaluable once you figure it out.  Take time every day as trends and viewer habits change, and you must change with the times to stay on top.

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1 comment:

Couey said...

Thanks admin for this helpful post.