Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Website Symbols Using ALT Key

When creating a website, you may want some special characters that you cannot create from the normal keypad.  Did you know you can create special characters using your ALT Key.  Here are a few examples and these are created using a PC.  ALT Key symbols could differ if using a Mac.

All of the following characters were created by holding down the ALT key and typing the number out on your calculator keypad.  Dont use the numbers at the top, use the ones set up like the adding machine to the right of your keypad.  Remember to hold the ALT key down while typing these #s.

ALT (205) ═
ALT (206) ╬
ALT (207) ╧
ALT (208) ╨
ALT (209) ╤
ALT (223) ▀

ALT (224) α (alpha)
ALT (225) ß (beta)
ALT (226) Γ

You can make mathmatical symbols using the ALT key and number keypad:
ALT (242) ≥
ALT (243) ≤
ALT (246) ÷
ALT (247) ≈
ALT (248) °
ALT (249) ∙
ALT (251) √
ALT (253) ²

You can make different characters and symbols using ALT key and number keypad:
ALT (257) ☺
ALT (258) ☻
ALT (259) ♥
ALT (260) ♦
ALT (261) ♣
ALT (262) ♠
ALT (263) •
ALT (264) ◘
ALT (265) ○
ALT (266) ◙

Sex Sybols using ALT key and number keypad:
ALT (267) ♂
ALT (268) ♀

Music Notes using ALT key and number keypad:
ALT (269) ♪
ALT (270) ♫

You can make an array of symbols including arrows using ALT key and number keypad
ALT (271) ☼
ALT 272) ►
ALT (273) ◄
ALT (274) ↕
ALT (275) ‼
ALT (276) ¶
ALT (277) §
ALT (278) ▬
ALT (279) ↨
ALT (280) ↑
ALT (281) ↓
ALT (282) →
ALT (283) ←
ALT (286) ▲
ALT (287) ▼

ALT (350) ^
ALT (383) ⌂
ALT (390) å
ALT (414) ₧
ALT (415) ƒ
ALT (416) á
ALT (427) ½
ALT (428) ¼
ALT (431) »
ALT (432) ░
ALT (433) ▒
ALT (434) ▓
ALT (475) █

ALT (4586) Ω
ALT (4580) Σ
ALT (5864) Φ

As you can see there are hundreds and even thousands of characters and symbols you can make using the ALT key on your computer keypad.  You can experiment around and see what you can make from the ALT key and numbers, just hold the ALT key down and type in some numbers.  Let me know if you come up with some cool Symbols because I know I have not seen them all.

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