Wednesday, July 11, 2012

KEYWORD; How To Optimize Keywords

Keywords are one of those things that you have to know about, but don't be a Keyword Spammer.  Keywords can be used in sentences without even knowing that you are using them and this is the best way to Optimize your site.

Keywords are the words used when people search the Internet and Keyword phrases are of course the phrases Internet users type to find what they are looking for.  For instance; "How To Optimize Keywords" is the phrase Put for the title and this is the phrase that I will write the article.

The one thing I try to do is to write an introduction that tells a little about your article and try to use the word or phrase of words I want to optimize in this introduction.  I try not to overdo the words that I am optimizing for because search engines will more than likely ignore your article for keyword spam.

Keyword density on a page is a way that Google uses your page to return relevant results when someone searches the Internet.  You can even find Keyword Tools online to find the most popular keywords for your niche Blog or site you are writing.  I do not try and compete in this arena as most keywords that are popular have numerous sites doing the same thing and competition is fierce for the most searched for terms.

Long tail Keywords or words that may not have much search traffic are better keywords to optimize for because of the lower competition.  If you can find some Long tail Keyword Phrases that are 3 to 6 words in length, these are the best to go after.  You can find many Keyword tools online that will give you the best search terms and terms related to your search.

My best of advice when dealing with keywords is to write naturally and search engines will naturally find you.  Do not try and scew the Keyword Density of an article for traffic, just write like you are writing to someone you know.

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