Thursday, August 10, 2006

Secret Google SEO Tips

This is a GREAT Search Engine OptimizationTip that you will not see anywhere else. At least, not that I know of. This is something I have learned from personal experience from other sites I have designed. This is a tip to get your pages ranked well with the Google Search Engine.
When you design your pages, of course keep your readers in mind, but do not forget about the search engines. I have found that pages with statistical data get ranked well with Google. For instance, 75% of site owners give very little attention to Google Page Ranking, while 20% write only for Search Engines, and the other 5% write for people and search engines. Its this 5% that are making the most of their sites and getting the most hits!
Now, to the best of my knowledge, Google does not say anything about statistical data ranking better, this is just my experience. You can look up any phrase in Google and you will see data. Whether it is percentages, or prices, or other data. It seems that those pages are listed at the top. Try it out on your website and let me know if this helps your page rank. Of course, as you know, this will not occur overnight. It will take weeks and months for it to work.

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